Procurement Name: CG 20-10013 Reducing Tobacco-Related
Disparities in American Indian and Alaskan Native Communities |
Contract Number: 20-10013 |
Contract Term: 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2025 |
Agency Name: Native Star Foundation |
Effective Date: 01/01/2024 |
Project Name: Red Medicine Tobacco Project |
Plan Version ID: 5.0 |
Project Type: CG: General |
Report Generated: 10/11/2024 11:15 AM |
Total Number of Progress reports Submitted
To-Date |
8 |
Number of
"Approved" Progress Reports |
8 |
Number of
"Disapproved" Progress Reports |
0 |
Number of "Not
Reviewed" Progress Reports |
0 |
Total Progress Report Scores and Program
Consultant's Overall Comments and Recommendations |
Progress Report Period |
Total Progress Report |
Overall Program Consultant |
Period 1: 07/20-12/20 |
A (100 %) |
Overall, the project
has developed extremely well given the reported challenges and barriers. This
is the first progress report for this project and much work was done to build
strong relationships and build momentum. The main challenges reported included
filling vacant positions and COVID-19 limitations. Even with these
difficulties, positions were filled and the project adapted to ensure SOW
activities developed. The
project has conducted outreach to Kern, Kings, and Tulare County regularly.
The speakers burau has a list of 13 speakers ready to present and already 5
presentations have taken place. Great job! In addition, the listserv
communications are going well and the contact list continues to grow. There
has been great progress made to asses the need and gather interest in
addressing commercial tobacco use as well as better understanding how to
integrate cessation into clinical work flows. RMTPP surveyed clinics to
assess need for tobacco cessation GPRA metrics and had a high response rate
of 60%! Technical assistance has been provided to partners as well as one
informal workshop. The project has been helpful to follow up with request for
materials and more information about CA Smokers' Helpline. The TA logs and
tracking measures are all very clear and organized. Thank you for keeping
these updated. Evaluation
activities are in the beginning stages, but the project is working closely
with the external evaluator to plan ahead and develop survey tools. Key
Informant Interviews are coming along well and participant training surveys
are in development. Thank you for focus group testing surveys with
stakeholders! It
is wonderful the project is in touch with CA Quits and CSH. Please keep in
touch with these groups and other Statewides. It will also be helpful for
RMTPP to support the upcoming rebrand of the CA Smokers' Helpline to Kick it
CA. Thank
you for keeping CTCP up to date on your questions and anything which may come
up. Please let me know if you have questions or would like to discuss this
progress report. Thank you for the hard work! Kyla
Period 2: 01/21-06/21 |
A (100 %) |
Overall, the project
made great progress despite reported challenges and barriers. Staff vacancies
were difficult over the last reporting period and caused the PD to take on a
heavy work load. On top of finding a PC candidate and fulfilling their own
duties, the PD took on the PC activity duties. Hopefully, this will get much
better with the recent hire and addition of the new PC. COVID challenges have
been ongoing, but the project continues to do great work. The
TLC sessions have continued well. The project actively conducts regular
outreach and conducted TA sessions for tribal partners. RMTPP presented at
four conferences to introduce the project and continued joint collaborations
with tribal organizations. Communications on social media and Partners are
consistent. This reporting period, the project grew the Speaker's Bureau. The
RMTPP is collecting information from resources and drafting up a plan to
engage Native youth and prepare them for presenting to Tribal Leadership.
Looking forward to hearing more about youth trainings. During
this project period the RMTPP team provided four workshop presentations to
six tribal organizations and programs at 15 sites. Great job on planning,
scheduling, and conducting these workshops. The project provided relevant
cessation information for each workshop. Activity 2-7-1 has some narrative of
workshops conducted and the draft model policy is in progress. If not done so
already, please share draft model policy language with the Public Health Law
Center for feedback. The project is working on KIIs for objective two and
these are planned to ramp up for the next reporting period. Many trainings
were attended by the team and we appreciate your participation in planning
workgroups. There has been great coordination and collaboration taking place!
Keep up the awesome work and thanks for your continued dedication and
commitment. For
any questions related to this progress report, please contact: Kyla Adams |
Period 3: 07/21-12/21 |
A (96 %) |
Overall, you are on
track with your two objectives. I especially enjoyed reading your summary
evaluation report findings in objective one and am very excited on the
progress you are making with identifying appropriate protocol models to be
implemented for Objective 2. Thank you for you incredible hard work and
dedication to providing trainings, presentations, and education event
opportunities to your communities I was impressed with the number of events
your team did this period. Thank
you for your continued commitment to this work and in meeting the minimum
requirements if not exceeding. Especially during this difficult time of the
pandemic and the unforeseen impact Omicron had on your community, my sincere
apologies to you and your team. As
always, should you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me. Cindy
Foltz |
Period 4: 01/22-06/22 |
A (96 %) |
Great job Native Star!
Despite some challenges I am encouraged by the progress you are making with
all of your activities and the exciting news of BAIHP Clinic finalizing their
draft model policy for adoption this summer! Thank
you for sharing such detailed narratives for all your activities and tracking
measures to support the work being done. It provided me with an understanding
of what delayed a few of activities, what strategies your team is
implementing, how close you are to completing many of the implementation
activities, and your overall progress throughout your scope of work. While it
can be frustrating and challenging to stay on track with the continued
changes COVID-19 can bring to the community, your team is doing a wonderful
job engaging and educating the community and stakeholders to achieve your
objectives in tobacco prevention work. As
always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at Thank
you, Cindy
Foltz |
Period 5: 07/22-12/22 |
A (100 %) |
Bravo! It was truly a
joy to read about the fantastic progress your team made during this reporting
period. You continue to be an active partner and collaborator not only for
the communities you sever, but to the broader CTCP network. Continue
all your wonderful work and please let me know if you need any help! Stacy
Period 6: 01/23-06/23 |
A (98 %) |
Hi team, Overall,
RMTPP is doing an excellent job reaching adults and youth in your coverage
area. It is impressive that you have been able to conduct and attend various
workshops, trainings, and TA sessions. For the next reporting period, please
be sure to pay special attention to the tracking measures that need to be
fixed. Thank
you for providing excellent documentation of your intervention and evaluation
activities. Please reach out with any questions. Best,
Sasha M. |
Period 7: 07/23-12/23 |
A (100 %) |
RMTPP team, Thank
you for submitting your latest Progress Report and for providing such
detailed information on your intervention and evaluation activities. You are
in active partner and collaborator across several tribal communities and the
CTPP network. And it is clear that your team is making a difference in lives
of tribal youth across your service area. Please
let our team know if you need any assistance moving into the next project
period, or with any questions/comments. Thank
you for all of your hard work! Best,
Sasha Miller |
Period 8: 01/24-06/24 |
A (100 %) |
Thank you, RMTPP Team
for submitting an impressive Progress Report! Your
team is making a significant contribution to tobacco prevention within tribal
communities. Your dedication to engaging youth, building partnerships, and
implementing innovative strategies is commendable. The
detailed reporting demonstrates your commitment to tracking progress,
ensuring accountability, and making a positive difference in the lives of
tribal youth. Your efforts to expand the reach of the RMTPP and provide
valuable resources are particularly remarkable. Please
let us know if you require any additional support or have any questions
moving forward. Guest
PC, Annie Hatley | |
Period 9: 07/24-12/24 |
Period 10: 01/25-06/25
Cumulative To-Date |
A (99 %) |